Blogs and Vlogs

Blogs and Vlogs

TheREP Digital Marketing and Video Production teams are here to share our work. What we have been working on, for our own company and our clients. Sharing information to help fellow micro business owners succeed. Blogs and Vlogs also help theREP share what we can do. Not only for ourselves, but for our clients as well. Our Wednesday Vlogs, Hump Day with theREP, focus on the details. Information about the building blocks. The marketing and production tools that can give us the edge over our competitors. Our blogs are a way to not only share information. But it also helps us continue to learn how blogging continues to develop SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on the website. We hope you enjoy our Blogs and Vlogs. Please comment and share with us your ideas. We look forward to continuing to work with our community. We also work with some local charitable organizations and will use our Blogs and Vlogs to help highlight our charitable friends.


Why do we need blogs? People read blogs for many reasons. You can get personal perspectives on many topics. This is why SEO is so important when you are writing a blog. How do people find you and why should they find you? What do you have to say about the subject? We hope you find our blogs interesting and entertaining, as we give you our perspective on digital marketing and video production.


Why do we need blogs? Vlogs were begun by people simply using video to highlight their personal day to day. Vlogs have continued to grow and diversify into a variety of applications. theREP using vlogging to document and display the day to day of the company. Not only that but we use this tool to create short videos to help other micro business owners understand their uses in the micro business community. Building a brand conscious community.

Hump Day w/theREP

The latest Vlog from theREP Digital Marketing and Video Production teams. Dropping some knowledge and having some fun!


Brand Placement

Brand placement in Social Media, Website, Advertising, or any material that you would use to market your business is essential. Take a listen this 6 minute video talking about Brand Placement.

Managing Your Brand

Lauren Clutts details the need, tools, and the importance of building and managing your Brand on social media

Video is King

Join us for another great Hump Day to help you get over the hump! Should you be using video content? Short answer, yes!